Monday, July 1, 2019

The Dysfunctional State of Healthcare at Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay, Jamaica

I was going to share more beautiful and alturistic posts on my social media this morning,you know the usual pictures of delicious food, beautiful landscapes and whatnot,  but there is an urgent matter that needs to be discussed. It is like an old sore. It is the year 2019. Not 1919 or 1819 or 1719, but 2019. My family member contacts me to tell me her dad is in the Cornwall Regional Hospital waiting room from 8am in the morning till 11:00pm at night waiting to receive medical attention. I am so sick and tired of hearing about this dysfunctional place. Sick people have to sit in a waiting room on wooden chairs for 15 hours or more before getting medical attention. What a national disgrace. Montego Bay that has 5 star luxury hotels that attract famous celebrities and there is no descent hospital for the citizens. the citizens that work hard their whole life and diligently pay their taxes in the hope that the government will give them the benefits they are entitled to when they need it. Where is the justice?  I just want to call on all the able bodied, educated  young people that are citizens of Montego Bay to stand up for your rights. Do not settle for substandard healthcare!
Maybe I have been living in the United States too long. After being exposed to descent healthcare, it is just hard for me to imagine my family members receiving anything less. And what does descent healthcare look like? It means
1. Going to any doctor or healthcare facility within your community.
2. Being given medical attention within 10 to 15 mins.
3. Having access to all the latest medical care that is available anywhere in the world.
4. A clean comfortable stretcher.
5. Immediate medical attention by nurses or doctors.
6. Access to a clean hospital bed and the latest medical equipment
These are just some of the least things that any citizen in Montego Bay deserves.
Anything less is just disheartening, disgraceful and disrespectful to the citizens.
This is an SOS call to all the young people who grew up in  Montego bay,who live there now or your parents grew up or presently live there. The time to take action is NOW!
What can you do? There is so much that needs to be done but here is where we can start.
1.Contact your local member of parliament and demand better healthcare.
2. Any healthcare facility you go to, demand that you and your family members get better healthcare.
3. Use the technology available! Take pictures and videos of the state of the facilities so that people can be aware of the situation at the facility. Then send it to the local newspapers or post it online. Jamaican politicians seem to only respond when pictures or videos are posted online.
This is just a start. If you think of any other ways to highlight the issues, please feel free to take initiative and act accordingly as long as what you are doing is legal.
The time is NOW!
We must act NOW!

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