Wednesday, July 3, 2019

SOS Call To Young People Born In Jamaica Wherever you Are In The World!

The problem with Jamaican government is they are still following this old British Parliament system designed for 1800 Britain located in Europe, and they are trying to adapt these archaic policies and systems of government to Jamaica, an island, located in the Caribbean ( entirely different geographical region) in the year 2019. Where are all the fine young men and women with the college education that your parents sacrificed house and land to ensure that you would one day be able to help them. They need you now. They need you to bring modern solutions to these modern problems. We can’t wait on government. We have to come together as a community and use strategies that will work. For example, someone posted on Facebook that an ambulance was donated to a health care facility in Lucea, and the ambulance stayed on the wharf because whatever policies and procedures required to clear it from the wharf was so complicated and frustrating that it stayed on the wharf for many months accumulating fees. This is just one example of a bureaucracy set up to keep people in a system where they cannot get access to healthcare when it is needed. Are you telling me some type of protocol can’t be put in place to give priority clearance to medical vehicles and equipment donated to help people? Whatever law put into place to hinder much needed medical equipment (DONATED) from reaching the people that need it, needs to be changed. Whoever is standing in the way of these equipment reaching the facilities that need them, need to GO. Whoever created the law that is making it complicated for healthcare facilities to receive aid also need to GO. We need young educated people to step up and make changes. The time is NOW!

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