Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Define Who You Are!

Let us define who we are as a people. If we don't, someone else will. Stand out in your community. Let people know the positive things about Jamaica, it's culture and its people. If you dont show them, they will continually be mislead by the media. We will not be stereotyped. We will not be placed in anyone's stereotypical box.  Show people who you are! Let them see that Jamaicans are positive people, and that we promote Excellence in all areas including but not limited to Education, Sports, Music. Dont wait for CNN or BBC to come to Jamaica and make a documentary to focus on what they want the rest of the world to believe about Jamaica. Let us write our own story. Let us tell the world who we are. Right now! Define who you are! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jamaica's Valuable Human Resource

Samsung, just one of the latest companies to make money off Jamaicans. I am not against Samsung, my point is this, When will Jamaicans realise how valuable they are, and negotiate their terms to make sure this is not another company that uses our resources then runs off with the millions they made , and Jamaicans being left poorer than before they signed the  business contract. How is Samsung making their money? They are making money every time we open our mouths to "Talk", and when we call other Jamaicans all over the World. And if not Samsung, then another company will fight for the opportunity to provide this service. So we  as Jamaican will always be in demand. And until Jamaica realises that some major company/country will always be fighting over who owns the rights to do business with us,  we will always be left  poorer than we were before the contract was signed. So I say all of this to say, there is no reason for Jamaicans to be involved in scamming. Our valuable Human Resource is not educated about it's own value. If they were, they would realise there are so many ways to make billions legally without  being involved in scamming. This situation cannot be controlled overnight, but we have to start somewhere. Where are all the people who are tired and ashamed of this disgrace and are ready to do something about it? I am talking to you.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Support Jamaican Small Business Owners

To Jamaicans All Over the World

I just want to share the websites of some talented people in our community.  These are people you know, people from your own neighbourhoods, from your elementary or high school or college. They are stepping out from the Rat Race and doing something for themselves by starting their own companies. These are people displaying true leadership. Make sure you support their business whether it be online, or by going to the physical location or events that they are hosting. We can rebuild Jamaica by supporting and promoting our own Talent. We are so quick to support a foreign company than to support our own. Our best Resource is our people. If you dont believe me, ask China. They were fighting over Goat Island in Jamaica so that they could have a Chinese based business hub at a strategic location...where they could get access to 3.5 million people who speak English and beside a major port that connects the Western World. Our port is right at the heart of North, Central and South American. People wake up and realise how important Jamaica and her resources are. Realise the Poower of the Jamaican Human Resource. Support your own. Support the small business owners in your community wherever you live.Support the Jamaican businesses wherever they are in the World too. You know they are sending some money home by Remittance (the little known but real backbone of the Jamaican economy currently) Here are some of them. Please support their websites and their projects.

What is Jamaica like ?

When people ask me what is Jamaica like? I tell them Jamaica is like a farm that grow lemons, yet the people don’t know how to use the lemons. But they invite friends from foreign countries to the lemon farm who buy the lemons at a very cheap price, then they go to their country use the lemons to make lemonade, place it in a fancy looking bottle, place a label on the lemonade bottle that says “Made In ForeignLand”, then resell the lemonade (made from the same lemons the Jamaicans originally sold to them) to the Jamaicans. The Jamaicans then happily buy the lemonade at a price ten times the price they sold the lemons, not because it is better than anything they are able to make themselves, but because it has the label, “Made in ForeignLand”. Then the Jamaicans complain about the high the price of the lemonade.