Sunday, December 9, 2018

Christmas Come Early Starring Owen"Blakka" Ellis

I am very honored and humbled to receive the opportunity to be a member of the Houston Team that hosted Jamaican Icon Owen "Blakka" Ellis on his Christmas 2018 US tour. It is important for us to keep Jamaica's culture alive. Our culture is at risk of being lost and so we salute icons like Owen "Blakka" Ellis whose mission is to preserve our Jamaican legacy. Blakka delivered on his promise to give clean, family friendly entertainment. He used his own story of his humble beginnings, how he was teased as a child and how he turned laughter meant to hurt him into his strength. In essence, his message reminded us to use bricks that are used to destroy us as stepping stones to overcome obstacles. There was a great turnout in spite of the weather and the audience was a diverse mix of not only Jamaicans, but members of other Caribbean Islands. Blakka delivered his message of triumph over adversity, reminded us of our core Jamaican values all while keeping us laughing.