Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lisa Hanna, Jamaica's Minister of Youth Voted as #4 in World's Worst Politicians


Sad that Jamaica should make the list. Well I haven't worked with Lisa Hanna directly to form my own opinion, so who am I to judge? but from what I have heard she doesn't seem to be connecting with the issues that are facing Jamaican Youth......she is not connecting to their reality...well, she is part of a government that is offering Band-Aid solutions to cover an open wound...20 years of destroying the country and then one person is expected to change the situation in one term...now the the situation has spiraled out of control, lets find someone to blame, lets blame Lisa...20 years of tearing down the morals that build society will require 20 years or more to rebuild it. Don't send for Clinical Psychologists when the Youth are killing each other and committing suicide...send the Clinical Psychologists to evaluate the minds of all of the members of parliament. Each member of parliament contribute to making decisions that affect or youth. We need more Clinical Psychologists (and Psychiatrists) applying to be Member of Parliament too...