Monday, May 23, 2022

UWI Student denied PhD

This article from the Jamaican Gleaner caught my interest. " A PhD student whose thesis was rejected by The University of the West Indies in 2014 has lost her legal battle in the Court of Appeal to have a Supreme Court ruling against her overturned." The Gleaner Read more: #GLNRToday Wow! My heart weeps for this student… Isn’t it time that UWI revise some of their ancient policies that made sense in colonial slavery days but are not relevant in these modern times? “She was advised that she had the option of referring the matter to the visitor, an official in the UWI structure who addresses disputes involving staff and students. At the time, QUEEN ELIZABETH was the visitor… 🙄🙄🙄 This is what is wrong with Jamaica. End of Story. I am very disturbed by this story. Something is not adding up. This has UWI politics written all over it. What if the student had a grievance with her professor ? Once one member of the department is against you, the entire department sides with the professor. No one in the department will side with the student. And then the academic circle is so small, what if the judge on the Supreme Court is good friends with the professor? Ten years of your life wasted fighting a system governed by four hundred year old colonial slavery policies. You can’t win. Dear student, please accept your loss and move on. Transfer your credits to a University that wants their students to succeed. You can’t win unless the public and media disgraces UWI and force them to give you justice, or that professor and the entire department resign/retire and or are somehow replaced with younger professors who passionately love students and want their students to succeed. I hope students who are seeking a University to do their graduate studies will pay close attention to this case and take their money and their talent elsewhere. I really hope this student receives justice.

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