True Story: I was going on a trip with a group of friends and one of her friends brought another friend I had never met before. When this new friend found out I was from Jamaica

1. Guests should never leave the group and venture on their own!
2. All guests should keep their tour bus
windows closed at all times!

3. Guests should not interact with Jamaicans without the tour guide! By the time she told me the rest of the warnings issued, I began to wonder if she was talking about a trip to an African
safari to see some lions
and other ferocious animals. Surely she cant still be talking about a trip to Jamaica
? Not to Montego Bay, the friendly city on my beloved island
? And why shouldn’t they interact with the people? Are they some savages? Are they animals?

First let me say, Montego Bay has become very crime ridden and I do see why it is important to caution the guests. But the irony of the situation is that the government of Jamaica, the management of these Cruise ships and all-inclusive hotels have created a situation where Jamaicans are forced to desperately rush after tourists to try to “hustle” and sell them their wares. Because thats what we’re seen as. No more than savages. No more than animals. Fast forward to this Brain Drain issue currently being discussed in the news. Since some of the teachers have decided to migrate in search of better wages for their talent, it is implied that surely, the only people left are the savages with no education. We are talking about people who have graduated from UWI, UTECH, NCU, Sam Sharpe Teachers College, Mico Teachers College, Moneague College, GC Foster College, Montego Bay Community College who are sitting ar home with no jobs and no means to migrate. Surely their brains must not be worth more than the animals.