Saturday, November 22, 2014

Let Me Tell You About The People from Montego Bay, Jamaica

So if you follow the media, you will think Montego Bay , Jamaica, is only training young people to be criminals...scammers, murderers etc....That is why you should follow my page, and I will show you true Montegonians, I will show you proof that our culture celebrates ambitious young people who always strive for academic excellence! Education, Education, Education. That is what we believe in. It is our ticket out of Poverty.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hope for the Youth of Montego Bay

Hope for the Youth of  Montego Bay


All hope is not lost! Many young people in Montego Bay  are right now trying to rebuild or communities, trying to initiate fundraising activities to re-invest in Jamaica, forming youth clubs and organizations to help children engage in productive activity and stay out of gangs. They understand how to use resources that the land has. They do not sit down and wait for the government to provide solutions. If you are one of those young people who are eager to help your community but have not yet started, (for whatever reason), WELL THIS IS YOUR CALL TO ACTION!  Go join forces with the others who are working to rebuild your community. Where there is life there is hope!


For those of you who may  read this and continue to say  to yourself, “It’s not my problem, I have a nice job and my family is safe and we are doing fine.” Well if you are doing fine, stop complaining about the crime in Montego Bay and the rest of Jamaica and don’t be surprised if one of your family members get murdered. If we are to determine what Montego Bay will look like in 20 years we have to take action now!


Follow this link and read more of this article here…

Written by his daughter.