Saturday, April 19, 2014

To the Leaders: This Is Your Call to Action!

To the Leaders: This Is Your Call to Action! Where are all the leaders in our communities? The time has come!  The Time is Now! Time for you to step up to the call of duty. If you don’t see a reason to do your part to lead the people in your community, then you have no right to complain about the Government. Just sit and accept whatever is handed to you.  However if you are a true leader, then just don’t sit and watch, do something, and don’t criticize the ones who are trying to help the communities, if you want to have a say, then do something.

Every country  in the world seems to be going through a financial crisis. The Government Officials,  the media all predict doom and gloom for the future. However the true leaders know that as long as there is life, there is hope for the future. A few years ago the majority of the world did not know about the existence of the internet, and now the internet has changed the world as our forefathers knew it, and created jobs and livelihoods for people all over the world. There is  always going to be financial depressions, just check your history book. But during the depression, that is the time for the real leaders to step forward, for the creative thinkers to get to work, the Steve Jobs and the Bill Gates and the revolutionaries that  brainstorm technologies that will bring people out of a depressive slum, a slum of worry, anxiety for the future, lost hope, despair.

Yes things are hard and seem to be harder, but that is the time for us to look within, to tap into our inner creativity, to join creative forces, to come up with solutions to lift ourselves out of this slum. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates faced hard times but that didn’t stop them from revolutionizing the world by sharing their inner creativity and putting their ideas to work.  We have inside of us, all the resources and solutions  to all the problems we are facing  now. Stop looking outside and looking to the Government to fix all our problems. Everything we need we have inside. Jamaica has a powerhouse of young creative people, the athletes, the musicians, the academicians, the entrepreneurs,  all of us have our special gifts and we have God in our hearts. No depressing  economy can inhibit our creative force. We should never forget the power of the Human resource. So will all the real leaders in the Jamaican Communities all over the world please stand up! This is your call to Action!