Saturday, November 22, 2014

Let Me Tell You About The People from Montego Bay, Jamaica

So if you follow the media, you will think Montego Bay , Jamaica, is only training young people to be criminals...scammers, murderers etc....That is why you should follow my page, and I will show you true Montegonians, I will show you proof that our culture celebrates ambitious young people who always strive for academic excellence! Education, Education, Education. That is what we believe in. It is our ticket out of Poverty.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hope for the Youth of Montego Bay

Hope for the Youth of  Montego Bay


All hope is not lost! Many young people in Montego Bay  are right now trying to rebuild or communities, trying to initiate fundraising activities to re-invest in Jamaica, forming youth clubs and organizations to help children engage in productive activity and stay out of gangs. They understand how to use resources that the land has. They do not sit down and wait for the government to provide solutions. If you are one of those young people who are eager to help your community but have not yet started, (for whatever reason), WELL THIS IS YOUR CALL TO ACTION!  Go join forces with the others who are working to rebuild your community. Where there is life there is hope!


For those of you who may  read this and continue to say  to yourself, “It’s not my problem, I have a nice job and my family is safe and we are doing fine.” Well if you are doing fine, stop complaining about the crime in Montego Bay and the rest of Jamaica and don’t be surprised if one of your family members get murdered. If we are to determine what Montego Bay will look like in 20 years we have to take action now!


Follow this link and read more of this article here…

Written by his daughter.


Friday, September 12, 2014

The All-Inclusives and Other Large Businesses Scam the Citizens of Montego Bay

When you have a society like Montego Bay, where there are five star all-inclusive hotels, that scam the people that live in the city, use the resources to make millions of dollars that is not re-invested in the city, to help the natives feed their hungry children, the children will grow up to get money by any means necessary. Why does no one realise that all-inclusives and big corporations are scamming the citizens of Montego Bay? Why doesn't the government call these multi-million dollar hotels scammers, why call the people scammers? How can you look poor people in the eye and tell them there is no money, no jobs? This is why kids grow up with no morals, because they see money coming into their city and they want their share. I am not a specialist in terms of how the all-inclusives operate, I hope someone can educate me about how their system works, but what I know is that, even if you close every single Western Union in Montego Bay, the scamming will continue until you address the root of the problem, which is that people are hungry, money is flowing into the city by the millions, and the government allow all-inclusives to make money without re-investing into the city. I am just one concerned person. I am not a person of power and influence. I am just trying to understand the issues myself. I am sure there must be a way for the all-inclusives to share their income with the poor people that live in Montego Bay. You want the scamming to stop? well feed hungry people, give them jobs, help them find housing, meet their basic needs. Until this is done,people will continue to scam.I do not endorse scamming. I am deeply ashamed whenever I hear that my beautiful city where I was born is known for scamming. I am just saying that the people are being scammed by the government that allow all-inclusives to steal the citizens of Montego Bay's money. I am sorry if I step on some people's toes with this blog, if I offended you, my deepest apologies...

Use modern technology to generate income

 Russhaine Berry,popularly known as "Dutty Berry", proves that you can use the internet to launch your career. Many people should take his example and use the internet to show their creativity. So many creative people in Montego Bay. There is a vast potential for new business opportunities. We have to take advantage of modern technology and make opportunities for ourselves. There is no need for scamming, pyramid schemes and other fraudulent internet activity when we have the world at our fingertips, craving for our unique culture and willing to pay to do legitimate business with us. What we need is new leadership in Montego Bay. We thank the older heads for bringing us to this point, but if the best strategy they can come up with is to tax people's bank accounts, it is time for them to retire and make way for younger leaders who are more equipped to use modern technology to generate income.

“Many persons have opted out of the formal labour force to create their own employment opportunities. One such person is Internet sensation- turned-actor Russhaine Berry, popularly known as Dutty Berry. "I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in language and communication from the University of the West Indies, but after I left school, I was unemployed for a long period of time," said Berry:

(The Gleaner)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

To the Leaders: This Is Your Call to Action!

To the Leaders: This Is Your Call to Action! Where are all the leaders in our communities? The time has come!  The Time is Now! Time for you to step up to the call of duty. If you don’t see a reason to do your part to lead the people in your community, then you have no right to complain about the Government. Just sit and accept whatever is handed to you.  However if you are a true leader, then just don’t sit and watch, do something, and don’t criticize the ones who are trying to help the communities, if you want to have a say, then do something.

Every country  in the world seems to be going through a financial crisis. The Government Officials,  the media all predict doom and gloom for the future. However the true leaders know that as long as there is life, there is hope for the future. A few years ago the majority of the world did not know about the existence of the internet, and now the internet has changed the world as our forefathers knew it, and created jobs and livelihoods for people all over the world. There is  always going to be financial depressions, just check your history book. But during the depression, that is the time for the real leaders to step forward, for the creative thinkers to get to work, the Steve Jobs and the Bill Gates and the revolutionaries that  brainstorm technologies that will bring people out of a depressive slum, a slum of worry, anxiety for the future, lost hope, despair.

Yes things are hard and seem to be harder, but that is the time for us to look within, to tap into our inner creativity, to join creative forces, to come up with solutions to lift ourselves out of this slum. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates faced hard times but that didn’t stop them from revolutionizing the world by sharing their inner creativity and putting their ideas to work.  We have inside of us, all the resources and solutions  to all the problems we are facing  now. Stop looking outside and looking to the Government to fix all our problems. Everything we need we have inside. Jamaica has a powerhouse of young creative people, the athletes, the musicians, the academicians, the entrepreneurs,  all of us have our special gifts and we have God in our hearts. No depressing  economy can inhibit our creative force. We should never forget the power of the Human resource. So will all the real leaders in the Jamaican Communities all over the world please stand up! This is your call to Action!